MoCo Sierra Club: Thrive 2050 Sets Stage for Smart Growth in County (by Shruti Bhatnagar 11/08/2021)

Montgomery council asks planning board to ‘encourage transparency’ (Washington Post 02/03/2022)
The focus on the board’s practices has intensified as the county council begins to consider the Thrive Montgomery long-term growth policy Read More >

Socialist Dean Preston Debunks “YIMBY” Propaganda (Current Affairs Interview 11/21/2021)

California’s Yimby’s Dollars & Sense (BY ZELDA BRONSTEIN 10/2021)
This article is from Dollars & Sense: Real World Economics, available at

The Only Thing Worse Than A NIMBY Is A YIMBY (Current Affairs 01/21/2021)
Pro-development activists try to trick you into thinking it helps the poor to destroy neighborhoods to make way for luxury condos. We need a radically democratic preservationism. Read More>

Single-family zoning preserves century-old segregation, planners say. A proposal to add density is dividing neighborhoods. (Washington Post 02/03/2022)
In Montgomery County and some U.S. cities, planners say allowing for duplexes and triplexes would help correct racist zoning policies. Read More >

Small increases in density make homeownership more attainable: A case study of Habitat for Humanity’s Garland Avenue Duplex project in Takoma Park (The Third Place 10/27/2021)
We saw this as the perfect chance to demonstrate how duplexes can fit into existing single-family neighborhoods while also driving down the cost per unit. Read More>

Opinion: Thrive Montgomery’s vision for county’s future is strong, but can be improved (Bethesda Beat 02/05/2022)
Here are some amendments to make the proposed master plan better Read More>

The Tweeters have been active since the Coalition for Smarter Growth (CSG) condemned me. I’ve been threatened with physical violence and another prominent smart growth blogger says I “must be stopped.” Twitter suspended the account of the person who threatened me. Read More>